Language / Meals / Traditions / Songs and music

According to ancient tradition, when God was handing out land to the peoples of the planet, the Georgians were too busy eating and drinking and arrived late. God told them that there was no land left, and the Georgians told him that they had been toasting his health. They invited God to join them, and he had such a wonderful time at the Georgians' table that he gave them all the land he had been saving for himself. Truly God's own country.

Georgians drink a lot of wine, but not every day; only if there are guests over or something is being celebrated.

Food in Georgia is one of the biggest attractions for visitors, and is the centrepiece of domestic cultural activity. Part of this family focus, and an unusual phenomenon for foreign visitors, is Georgian meal-time. Complicated ritual relationships are manifested in it. The table is led by tamada, who proposes traditional toasts throughout the meal. To the outsider, it can seem as though nothing is done before everyone drinks to it. It's best not to toast while drinking beer; it's regarded as a subtle insult.

Try out these food for your selfes, here are recipes.




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