Language / Meals / Traditions / Songs and music  

Developed over the centuries, the traditions and styles of performance have been handed down from generation to generation by outstanding singers, many of whom founded their own schools and whose memory lives on in the minds of the Georgian people.

Georgian folk music is one of the most important elements in the treasure house of Georgian spiritual culture, an aural chronicle of Georgia's centuries-old history

Georgian folk music, featuring complex, three-part, polyphonic harmonies, has long been a subject of special interest among musicologists. There are many talented folk groups in Georgia whose common purpose is to revive and preserve Georgian folk music. .

In today's Georgia, folk songs are most frequently sung around the table. The ceremonial dinner (supra), a frequent occurrence in Georgian homes, is a highly ritualized event that itself forms a direct link to Georgia's past. On such occasions, rounds of standardized and improvised toasts typically extend long into the night.

Hamlet Gonashvili (1928-1985) was a Georgian singer, influential teacher and performer of traditional Georgian music. He is sometimes referred to as "the voice of Georgia".
Tsintskaro - Hamlet Gonashvili

Georgian folk dances desrciptions



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